Saturday, September 6, 2014

New review time! Bad Radio by Michael Langlois

Alrighty! Time for a new review!

Apologies for the slight delay in my usual "Will get to it eventually" reviews, but hey, it's a free review. I could charge you like a whole dollar to read this, and I'd make like, a dollar. Quite the racket I'd imagine.

Ah well, No paywall for now guys and gals.


Bad Radio is the first book in the Emergent Earth series. I have read the sequel as well, but that's coming up for a review at a later date, but I do feel completely justified in saying that these books are great. It's sort of horror, sort of lovecraftian horror, sort of thriller and sort of suspense. Basically it's a giant mishmash of good things that make a great book. Sort of how you combine a few various ingredients into a meat slurry that becomes a great chili, the author combined a dash of this, that, and the other to make a great book.

The basic plot is that a guy (Abe) thinks he saved the world back in WW2 by stopping a spell, but these things never really work out the way we hope and now a person he thought was long dead is back to try again. Unfortunately it also involves killing Abe's friends to recover relics used for the spell, and it's not looking like it's going to end well.

I went into this novel completely blind, having just barely gone through the synopsis of the book before I decided I NEED TO OWN THIS IT SOUNDS AWESOME. Right now, it's available for free on Kindle Unlimited, so if you are a member of that, you have no reason not to check this out. That's also why I am trying to not spoil any of the plot because it's pretty well done.

The book lived up to my expectations perfectly. It's got horror, it's got weird things, and it's got a crazy plot that sounds like a mashup of Hellboy and some PCP. If lovecraft, Hellboy or PCP sounds like your kinda thing, then brother go grab a copy cause it's awesome.

It's a pretty unique idea, and one that the author handles in a very unique and interesting way. I really, really enjoyed this, and bought the sequel as soon as it was available. Unfortunately there hasn't been a book 3 yet but I am keeping my fingers crossed.

If you need a rating system for this review, I'd rate it at least 4.5 cosmic horrors out of 5.

Goodreads link to point you to where you can buy a copy :

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