Thursday, August 21, 2014

One incredibly hard to write review - The Translators by Gord Rollo.

Take a moment and look at that cover. Seriously, check out the detail in it.

That cover lets you know some seriously bad shit is going down somehow. You don't know how, but you know it's gonna be bad.

This review is one of the hardest for me to write, because the book is written in such a way that it takes a basic premise, and judo flips it into a few different directions and you end up with something that TECHNICALLY matches up to what was mentioned but is also batshit crazy enough to warrant screaming SPOILER WARNING!!! any time you go to discuss the book.

So, basically, I'm not going to spoil this because I love this book, and I want you to have your brain as dislocated as mine when you read it. YOU SHOULD READ IT. GET THIS BOOK AND PUT IT INTO YOUR HEAD. I love this guy's work, but this is probably my favorite novel of his. Strange Magic was the original favorite, and then Valley of the Scarecrow came out and dethroned it, and now The Translators has come out (well, to be fair it's BEEN out) and now it occupies the #1 spot on my list his books.

Basically, the book starts with the end of the world, and rolls the clock back to explain just how the world is ending. This synopsis found in the front of the book sets the idea up a lot better than I could hope to.

"Most people think John is crazy. He's not. The doctors think he's schizophrenic. He's not. The government thinks he might be humanity's last flicker of hope, but unfortunately he's not that either. What he is is something no one - including himself - could have ever imagined..."

The story revolves around John, his fiance', and her kid. John has the unique ability to understand any language, and hears voices in his head translating them for him. Now, with that firmly in mind, realize this book goes kind of crazy. I can't really say anything about the book because, honestly, it's a house of cards. Everything is built on the next level of crazy, so when it amps up and you find out something new, it makes you realize that it was based on something earlier and boom, mind blown.

I love this book, and it's currently 2.99 on amazon, which is an incredible bargain.

It's not the BEST story ever told, but it is a hell of a book and one of the few I can recommend to anyone who wants an interesting reading experience.

Go get it, read it, and be amazed at how a story ranging from the end of the world to Nessie to temples in Peru can end up making sense. It's a hell of a ride.

Goodreads link so you can go find it wherever you need to get it from :

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